Realy Fun!

User Rating: 8.5 | Manhunt 2 PSP
Manhunt 2 is a realy fun sequel of Manhunt. You will be doing the same things that you did on the first installment: sneaking, passing unnotice in the shadows, and performing extreamly brutal executions. Even though when you perform an execution you can't see it well (because it's bloored and the camera change red so you can't see properly the execution, if you could it would be rated AO); Manhunt 2 is extreamly fun to play on the psp. Good graphics and gameplay.
Make sure to get the latest psp upgrades to enjoy the game at its max settings. Every time you perform an execution you feel satisfy, and there are three types of executions you can perform on your enemies. I'll be calling them the: "white","yellow" and "red" execution. When your pointer is white you'll perform the less violent execution; but when it changes red then you'll see the more groosome executions. There are many weapons to use like: axes, baats, or even a pen. Another interesting inovation of the game is that now you can use the enviroment to make your executions, such as in a toilet or with an electric box. Overall Manhunt is a realy good game with a totally new story. Now: go and buy it! It's worth the money