The game is boring but only just worth it if you can pick it up in a bargain bin and play the puzzles.

User Rating: 6 | Mario Party DS DS
Ok, so Mario releases the next Party game. To be fair I never played much of the previous ones but from the short time I played those I sorta enjoyed them, Not my favourite games by any means at all but fair games.

BUT.... Mario Party 8 being the first Mario Party game for me to own just didn't do much justice for me. It was just like being forced to play Jr Monopoly with my little brother. Around, around in a circle looking to buy some stars just didn't seem fun.

But I'll say the mini-games are somewhat fun ... -sometimes- I found myself turn off the Microphone mini-games because they were so tedious. But other than that i would say 1 in every 2 of the mini-games were fun and I found myself playing a few of the games again and again.

Plus there are some puzzle games you can access from the main menu that I found myself playing for hours. Maybe because I didn't want to start a boring, tedious board game .

All in all, I will probably never want to pick this game up again, but if you've played all the good Ds games and you can find this in a bargain bin pick it up and just play the puzzles.