With multi player and a solid single player it is a good game

User Rating: 8.5 | Mario Party DS DS
The game had a really good story. The characters get small and they want to return to their normal size. Donkey Kong helps them by restoring them to their normal size and then they have to beat Bowser.

The game has five boards and five bosses. The boss battles and the boards were fun and the board was really creative. This game is a game of skill and chance unlike Mario Party 8 which is just all cheat so you can win. Coins are always fun to exchange for stars and the game goes on until who ever gets the most stars. The winner of the board gets to challenge a boss.

One of the bad things of the game is that it is too repetitive. Its pretty much like go and pass the story mode a hundred times until you can reach 50,000 points and pass the game with all characters. Game also offered mini games, although, that isn't fun as the main adventure. Some of the mini games were also hard.

Game has a solid multi player and it is really enjoyable. Game should of had one more board to make it funner. Probably the worst board was the Donkey Kong one and the best was the music room or the Bowser pinball machine.