Main mode is very easy, but Construction Mode is where it's at!

User Rating: 9 | Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Mini-Land Mayhem DS
This game is fun to play simply because of the Construction Zone, where you can create your own levels. And unlike Mario vs. Donkey Kong 2: March of the Minis, you can create more than 8 at a time, which is a huge reason why the game is so addictive. The main mode can be completed with no effort at all, due to if you fail to complete a level enough, you will be able to see how to do it and have it completed for you. If the game didn't have a Construction Zone, my rating would drop significantly. Although the main mode is decently fun to play, including the unique boss battles at the end of each attraction (area). Also, the final battle is quite challenging. I'd highly recommend this game if you like creating your own levels and puzzle game levels at that. If you were disappointed at MVDK2's limitations in creating levels, you'll be very pleased at what this game's Construction Zone has to offer.