As much as I hate to say this: Its broken mess of controls turns this game into an incoherant button masher!

User Rating: 4.5 | Marvel vs. Capcom 2 PS3
I know a whole lot of people aren't going to like me because of this review but I want to go on the record by saying that I LOVE the MVC series and with that stated, I cannot in good conscience give this game a good rating. There are actually only a couple of things that I find wrong with the game but there's one in particular that completely ruins the game for me: THE CONTROLS! I have never experience such a convaluted mess of a control scheme in a fighting game as I did when playing MVC2. I played (but never owned) the original PS2 version for similar reasons...I did not like how the control scheme differed from the first MVC but I never remembered them being this bad! In the first MVC, you had a choice between 3 different control schemes (Manual, Beginner, and Easy) but in MVC2 it seems like either everything is only set to Manual or it has its own brand new control scheme that it forces on you. No matter what, I could not find a way to configure my buttons to consistently pull off certain combos or specials when using different sets of characters. I often found myself resorting to childish methods to winning such as mashing random button combinations together and hoping for the best (often resulting in my hand cramping).

The other thing that sort of bothered me was that there weren't any character endings and all the assist-only characters were taken out! Having absolutely NO plot to speak of just made the game feel really shallow and not having the assist-only characters made the game seem incomplete to me!

My Breakdown:

What's Good:

- Nice sized roster
- The jazz themes can be cool
- Nice to have the option to play people online
- Introduces new characters to the roster

What's Not-So-Good:

- No assist only characters
- Trophies are ridiculously difficult to achieve
- The fact that EVERY character is available from the start, makes the game very unrewarding.

What's Bad:

- A TERRIBLE and frustrating control scheme. Not user friendly at all.
- None of the original themes for the fighters play when fighting as them!
- No endings for any of the characters
- No explaination or background ever given for the new playable characters or even the final boss! This is MARVEL VS. CAPCOM and yet none of these characters are from either side!

In all, I liked MVC because I could actually consistently use certain button combinations and get the same result with different fighters (the strategy came in the execution as in when to use certain said combinations)! However, in MVC2 its almost seems as if the basic control scheme differs from fighter to fighter. This would be ok if it was something that's been done since the first game...BUT ITS NOT! As much as I love the series, this game's controls render it unplayable for me.