Want me to describe marvel vs capcom 2 in one word? EPIC.

User Rating: 10 | Marvel vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes DC
Well, well, well, isnt this the street fighter II of the 2000s? ahhh, the 1990s and the 2000s are pretty awesome decades, and this defines this. marvel vs capcom 2's story is that abyss is destroying plant life, so a pirate decides to reunite marvel and capcom heroes to defeat abyss.
once you get started, there is a total of 56 characters. 56 CHARACTERS!!!!!!!!! like spiderman, gambit, rogue, megaman, b.b hood, magneto, juggernaut, cable, ryu, ken, akuma, and more!
and the graphics are amazing. along with the controls and the fighting system, and the gameplay is that you form a band of 3 fighters, with 3 assist types. and if a team gets defeated, they win. and there is points to unlock hidden characters, colors, and artwork. the music is really good. and heck, people still play this today! and mvc2, could be the citizen kane of the fighting genre. and you must buy it. even if its overrated. and this game will take you for a awesome ride.