What the first two did this one ruined the series.

User Rating: 4.8 | Master of Orion III PC
I was a big fan of the Master of Orion series but this one took everything bad that the first two games had and added a few other dumb improvements as well. First the graphics are atrocious in battle. Although the Aliens look good too bad the rest didn’t follow. The A.I. is also eccentric one turn they declare war on me for no particular reason. Then the next turn they want peace and then they declare war on me again. To make matters worse the text and descriptions seems like they are in a different language. It’s confusing to work with but everything is done automatically so just ignore most of the stuff. Yet it’s confusing to build a fleet because the help is almost useless as well. For some reason this game is addictive for a few hours then I beat the game and couldn’t play it again. For people who are thinking of buying it, buy it in the bargain bin for five dollars and see what think of it. It’s worth the five dollars not thirty dollars.