Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne on Xbox is an example of how to make a love story work emotionally and effectively.

User Rating: 10 | Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne XBOX
"I lied to myself that it was over. I was still alive, my loved ones were still dead. It wasn't over''. - Max Payne.

Game play:
Same as the first, but tampered a bit with it's game play. "Bullet-Time'' has been bumped up quite a bit actually, and it feels even more effective than it's predecessor. Auto-aiming has been introduced in the "Payne'' series and fixes the aiming found in the first game just nicely.

Character models have been improved a bit from the first and looks great now with this entry. Explosions, shootings, and environments are great as usual. The "Comic-book'' story-telling from the first game is back once again, not to mention the story is even better cause this sequel's story even involves a "Film Noir Love Story'' between Max and Mona, who are just destined to be together.

Music and Sound:
Music score is once again emotional and effective. Sound effects are great as well.

Left top joystick for moving Max. D-pad for switching weapons. R for shooting. A for jumping. B for "Bullet-Time''. Hold Y for throwing bombs. Black button for reloading. White button for painkillers.

Lasting Appeal:
Max Payne 2 on Xbox really knows how to make a romantic story in the game-world work. This is definitely one of Xbox's best games. 10 out of 10.