You are Max and you are Mad but you are not Mad Max no for you are Max Payne and your not going to take it anymore.

User Rating: 9.6 | Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne PC
Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne was a game i was realy realy looking forward to. After the first game which had crazy gun fights and mods that let you do allsorts of differant and strange things to the game i was indeed looking forward to the second coming of Max Payne. In ways it is a very very dark game which to be honest is to be expected because its roots are set deep in what is called film noir....

In Max Payne 2 you play the role of none other than Max Payne himself. Set two years after the events of the first game, Max Payne has quit his job at the DEA and returned to his former job as an NYPD detective. While investigating a series of murders by a group of contract killers called the Cleaners, Max encounters Mona Sax, who was assumed dead at the end of the previous game. Wanted for the murder of Senator Gates, Mona is arrested despite Max's protests, and taken to the police station. Suddenly, the station is attacked by the Cleaners, who are looking for Mona. Before they reach her, Mona breaks out of her cell and vanishes into the night. After Max meets her again at her residence, where they fight off the Cleaners who followed Max to her place, they begin hunting down the people responsible for the attack. Their search leads them to a construction site, where Max and Mona defend themselves against the Cleaners. After their foes flee, Detective Winterson arrives and holds Mona at gunpoint. Mona claims that Winterson is there to kill her while Winterson claims that she is simply trying to arrest a fleeing fugitive. After several moments of consideration, Max shoots Winterson, allowing Mona to escape. Before she dies, Winterson shoots Max, leading to his hospitalization....

This is the point of the review where the story comes to an end because for people who have yet to play the game i do not want to ruin all the fun for you. So now i am going to be looking at the gameplay of Max Payne 2. This is a third-person shooter, in which the player assumes the role of Max Payne for most of the game, but plays as Mona Sax in several levels. Your first weapon is a 9mm pistol but as you progress the player can get access to other weapons including handguns, shotguns, submachine guns, assault rifles, long-range rifles, and hand-thrown weapons like grenades and molotov cocktails.

When you first start playing the game it only offers one difficulty level that is adjusted on the fly if the game is too difficult for the player. For example, if the player's character dies too many times, the enemies' artificial intelligence is made less effective, while more health in the form of painkillers is made available. After completing the game once, other difficulty levels are unlocked. Two special game modes are also activated. New York Minute and Dead Man Walking. In New York Minute, the player is given a score based on the time taken to complete each level. The Dead Man Walking mode places Max in one of five scenarios, in which he must survive for as long as possible while fighting off endlessly respawning enemies.

Just like the the last game you can enable Bullet Time mode. This lets the player slow down time while still allowing the player to aim in real-time, to give the player more time to determine what they want to do. In this mode, the screen's color changes to a sepia tone to act as a visual cue for the player. This can also be used to make dramatic leaps around corners to get the jump on enemys before they can react to what is going on. When in use, the Bullet Time meter will decrease until it is either empty or the player disables Bullet Time mode. The meter will eventually increase when not in use, but can be replenished more quickly by killing enemies.

Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne first came out on October 14, 2003 for Microsoft Windows, Xbox and the PlayStation 2.

The System requirements are:

Pentium III 1.0 GHz CPU.
256 MB RAM.
2 MB video card RAM.
DirectX 9.0.
Windows 98.

Do you need to play the first game to know what is going on...well yes you do but you do not need to play the first one to be able to have fun with this one. Having said that if your looking for some good slow-mo fun time then this could well be the game you are looking for.