Brilliant, More responsive then Mech 4

User Rating: 8.9 | MechWarrior 2: Mercenaries PC
Now i know when you pull it out of the box it isnt anything, it is downright terrible and should never have been released. But that problem is easily fixed, patch it up with all the patches available and you have one killer game.

It is truly excellent, the controlls are very adaptable and responsive, with good players easily getting cokpit shots and being able to salvage the entire mech.

MW2 merc gives a huge replay value form the different paths. Your losing? well save your ass and eject! who cares you lost a few cbills at leats your alive? and stuff whatever the combime had you fighting for, it isnt your war.
Even if you fail missions there is often other missions to do with money to earn that are results from losing. In one campaing if you lose the first battle, you are then standed by your employees who say their going to get more supplies. Youy then discover a weapons chache worth millions of dollars.

I have played a demo of MW4 and i have to say i thought this was better. It weapons do a lot more damage and have a significant impact on enemies and yourself, where as in MW4 i found you hade to shoot like 6 volleys of LRM's into the chest complimented with a constant barrage of laser weapony to have any effect.

The difficulty is well spaced and the economy features really let you take controll of your unit and the like.

If your a Mech fan and havent played this you really must, its a standout game and extreemly fun.