If you like to imagine driving a huge war machine, this is the game for you!!!

User Rating: 8.5 | MechWarrior 4 PC
This was the first Mechwarrior series I played; I only play MechCommander 1 and 2 before that. MechCommander was fun but I never had the chance to drive a Mech, it was just controlling them and plans some the strategy and executes them. So, the reason I brought this game was just to try to feel the excitement of driving a Mech. This game successfully makes driving a huge 100 ton machine fun and exciting.

The gameplay was hard but fun. Even I finished the entire mission in "Elite" mode; I still could not control a Mech such as driving a car in reality. This is because I bad at it but I do enjoy feeling of controlling a Mech and leading a team of Mechs against enemies Mech. It was fun when I did manage to destroy them. Seeing their Mechs blow up was so relives and satisfy when I play the single campaign.

For me, I used more thinking than skills to finish the single campaign. I used timing, planning, my firepower, rather than my skill of controlling a Mech to win. I don't think I can use a ShadowCat Mech to kill a MadCat Mech. Although, in one part of the game, I did manage to kill a Catapult Mech using ShadowCat Mech.

The storyline was straight forward; I could not decide what I wished to do. I just needed to finish the entire mission to finish the game but that is a small part of the game in the end that I needed to decide what to do. I hope if there is MechWarrior 5, it gives me a world map and let I decide what to do in the next attack such as in Total Was series.

Overall, this game did very well to satisfy my imagination of driving a huge machine and attack another huge machine. I really hope that is MechWarrior 5.

Enjoy the game!!!!