"I'll delay them here as long as I can."

User Rating: 9 | MechWarrior 4 PC
-Excellent graphics and physics for it's day. It's even more immersive than Mechwarrior 2 and 3.
-A bit more story than most of the other titles in the mechwarrior series.
-Mech designs are a little more distinct than before, each one conveys a very different experience. Also more customization than previous titles.
-Although they're not very smart, the ability to order around lancemates is a nice touch.
-Multiplayer is extinct now but it was excellent in it's heyday.
-Doesn't force you to use the heaviest mechs at the outset. Playing lighter mechs is sometimes much more fun.
-Slugging it out at both short and long ranges with other mechs and thinking tactically is a ton of fun.

-A contender for the corniest voice acting and live action sequences ever. Some of them are actually quite funny.
-Some sound effects could be less annoying.
-Music never loops in game and is not quite as good as games like Mechwarrior 2 when you do actually hear it.
-Campaign missions greatly vary in fun and difficulty.

Can't wait for Mechwarrior Online to be released later this year! Fans have waited a long, long time...