MW4, far better than Mech Assault.

User Rating: 10 | MechWarrior 4 PC
The game pwns and its good for any new gamer that's new to the Mech Warrior series but only thing is, Microsoft got kinda greedy with the Mech Warrior 5, "Mech Assault". They made it for xbox and not PC.

The difference between MW4 and Mech Assault is the fact that MW4 is more of a combat sim and Mech Assault is more of a Armored Core remake and the fact you gotta get xbox 360 and risk a chance with the red ring of death to play Mech Assault.

Hopefully they'll make it for PC soon but for now Mech Warrior 4 is good for starters. Also don't forget there's a site called that offers awesome new expansions for this game. New units, new maps and all kinds of other new toyz.

Before Mech Assault, this game was the best Mech Warrior game of all time. And in many true gamers eyes it still is because Microsoft has proved once again they don't care about their gamers when telling us they have no more ideas for the Mech Warrior series but then they up and make Mech Assault for xbox witch is Mech Warrior 5. But is it for PC? nope or not yet anyways.

2009 and still no Mech Warrior 5 for PC! Thank you Microsoft!