dont" miss this best looking fps

User Rating: 10 | Medal of Honor X360
True to previous releases of Medal of Honor, the graphics in this latest release do not disappoint. Game developers have worked with real world elite forces since the beginning to make sure they created an authentic experience for players. Not only do the graphics look genuine, but the sounds ring authentic and the heart-pounding action feels authentic.medal of honor is become the best looking fps ea game yet. graphics look better then modern warfare 2.

Tier 1 operators in Medal of Honor use the same weapons as the real Tier 1 operators use. Every effort has been made to graphically and systematically lend authenticity to the latest release in the Medal of Honor series. Medal of Honor has always been one of my favorite video game series. My passion for the series has grown over the years as well as my frustrations with the poor excuses that passed for Medal of Honor titles. It would seem that Electronic Arts shared my passion and frustrations with the series which is why they have given the series a complete overhaul with the new Medal of Honor. After completing this game and enjoying many hours of multiplayer I can say, "Job well done".To start out, Medal of Honor has left its roots of World War II and has moved on to the current war in Afghanistan. The game begins with subtle inclinations to the events of September 11th 2001 but never clearly references such; because of the recent and sensitive nature of the event this is justifiable. The opening mission starts out rough with little understanding of what is happening and this continues until later missions reveal more about the characters and the cut scenes put reference to different events that have occurred. The opening background of the story needs to be better established to help the players become involved and interested in the story from the start.

When the story does get going however it gets really good, the cut scenes are a great story supporter and the later transition from one playable character to another is a perfect example of how it should be done in a singleplayer campaign where multiple characters are involved. A perfect example is when you are near the end of one of the US Rangers missions and the helicopter pilots arrive to assist you, after so begins the helicopter mission, near the end of that mission you are saved by a sniping AFO Tier 1 who takes out an anti-aircraft gunner, you then play as that Tier 1 operator. This is perfect transition.As good as the singleplayer campaign becomes in the later stages it cannot be helped by how short it is to complete. For the average player on medium difficulty, it is around five solid hours of game time. Just when you do become emotionally involved with the story and characters within, it ends. The core story could be lengthened with more missions to give at least two more hours of game time, this would almost certainly be sufficient enough to give more development to each of the game's characters.

The shortness of the singleplayer campaign is almost made up for with the Tier 1 mode. Tier 1 mode is what one could compare to a racing game like MotoGP or Blur. This makes for great re-playability as you try to finish each level in a quicker time and complete different gameplay actions to cut time off the clock, attempt as many headshots, multi kills, and knife kills as you can if you want to break any records here.One unique item about this Medal of Honor is the fact that the game was developed by two studios in unison using two different graphics engines. The singleplayer, designed by Danger Close Studios (EA Los Angeles) used the Unreal 3 engine and the multiplayer by Digital Illusions in Sweden used their own FrostBite engine. For the singleplayer, the graphics, animations, and audio are well designed and come off as a much better comparison to previous Unreal 3 based games. There are some early irks however in Medal of Honor's graphics, the first two missions don't look as if they had the same amount of polish as the later half. Many places look rough around the edges and the level design just doesn't feel up to par. More attention could have been made to make these places feel more believable then just another cookie-cutter game level that we've seen time and time again from other games.

On the multiplayer side, the game looks just as great, right away anyone can notice the differences in color pallets and design from the singleplayer but this doesn't really matter as the game looks great on both fronts. Medal of Honor's multiplayer does not look like Battlefield: Bad Company 2 in a new dress with some rouge applied to make it look good for a Saturday night, if anything it looks like Battlefield's hot cousin. Did someone say grenade?The musical score and voice acting is another great asset that Medal of Honor possesses. The use of Pashto, Chechen, and Arabic languages throughout are a nice touch to accuracy and makes for improved believability of actual events. The individual American voice acting is also superb, the rather unknown actors and actresses used to portray the roles were a great choice; each character is very believable and true to the role. A newcomer to the Medal of Honor series is composer [URL=""/]Ramin Djawadi[/URL]. Djawadi being of part Iranian descent brings to the series just what it needs to portray a Middle Eastern setting. The entire soundtrack is a joy to listen to and compliments the game like no other.

Finally the multiplayer, utilizing Digital Illusion to create Medal of Honor's multiplayer campaign was probably a safe bet that it will be a hit amongst gamers, or at least fans of Battlefield. Unlike past Medal of Honor titles, the game is easy to jump in and enjoy right from the start with a variety of gametypes that suits different types of players. The levels are well designed and are a fun flowing experience that should be enjoyable for months to come until new downloadable content releases. The class system however is too narrow and feels like more is needed, not to say that it should be a repeat of Battlefield's class system, but just more is needed to give it greater variety then what is currently present. The large variety in weapon customization is a nice touch but more variety in the class system would help. The Spec-Ops class comes with rocket launchers that are more of a hassle then a benefit as vehicles are few and far in between. The lack of a server browser is disappointing but as most console games no longer support such a thing it is a real positive that the match making works so well and will be able to put you into active games with players of similar skill as tracked by your progress online.Medal of Honor has had a rough couple of years; just as we all have, so it is good to see new life coming into a series that was coming up sour for so long. Producer Greg Goodrich who had formerly worked with Sierra Entertainment on World in Conflict brought with him the dedication and care to a project that made World in Conflict such a memorable title. The new Medal of Honor isn't without its flaws however; a short singleplayer campaign that starts out rough isn't exactly the best beginnings for… a new beginning, but stick with it and you'll have something very enjoyable that you may just want to play over and over again using the Tier 1 mode. The extensive multiplayer campaign is just what the series needed to give it a proper reboot, gamers looking for an alternative to Battlefield or the same re-hashed Call of Duty we've seen these last few years should really consider Medal of Honor.