Entertaining Story.

User Rating: 8 | Medal of Honor X360
In July of 1998, Steven Spielberg, the award winning director behind the classics Jaws, ET, and Jurassic Park, took us on a journey set in World War II torn Europe like never before with Saving Private Ryan. The film was a huge success and sparked interest in WWII that had not been seen in a long time. He then gave us Medal of Honor, a first person shooter where the player plays as Jimmy Paterson. 2010 saw a reboot to Spielberg's series that takes place around 2002 where the players play as Spc. Dante Adams, Cpt. Brad "Hawk" Hawkins, Deuce, and Rabbit. While the story is entertaining and engaging, the game could have used a few fixer uppers. The graphics are really good during gameplay, but they still needed to polished during these portions of the campaign which takes up most of the story. Anyway, the graphics are just about perfect during cut-scenes. The games audio is no the less spine tingling. If you buy this game, purchase an expensive 5.1 surround system too. Trust me, if you buy the right sound system it'll sound like you're really there.