From A Great 1st Game To An Incredible Poor Sequel

User Rating: 5 | Mercenaries 2: World in Flames PC

I played this game on the PS3 and recently I just paid a couple of £'s for the PC version and I had to write a review even though this game is 5-6 years old, during my PS3 experience I only even come across a few game breaking bugs but with a simple save and restart it would solve it's self with no issue the game played well even co-op with a friend minus the annoying rubber band effect were you can't go where you please and have to stay close to your co-op partner.

The PC version on the other hand has to be the worse version out the 2 the game actually has more bugs that the PS3 version I swear the GPS doesn't show you the correct route something I don't remember it doing on the PS3 version. The blow up effect looks the same but I have had issues with debris falling through the ground and slow my game down really bad for a few secs on my rig I can play Tomb Raider at 1920x1080p@60hz on mixed high/ultra settings yet this game can cripple it.

The aiming with a 360 controller is worse than console as it's slow and there's no option to tweak it to make it feel better, I would of thought that this version would of been the best but it goes to show that Pandemic really screwed up here and it's no wonder that money got to there heads was bought out by EA and then folded after this disaster in a way I feel sorry for the devs that probably tried to make game another great title yet I wonder if the guy in charge let $$$$ come before quality then again I wouldn't be surprised if EA where also the ones that caused this title to fail like it did.

On a small note the game is ok for a blow em up game if you can see past the bugs but I would only buy this for a £1 basket bin like I did