Metal gear solid 3 was an excellent game. This brings everything back, new things and, new issues.

User Rating: 9 | Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D 3DS
Metal gear solid. A excellent series of games. But lets talk about the content. Metal gear solid 3 was an excellent game, with great graphics and music. After that, it came the subsistence versions, that brings some new features like the MGO (metal gear online), the demo theater and the classic camera from the previous metal gear solid games. Kojima productions decided to put everything into a new game in the 3ds. This new game was Metal gear solid: Snake Eater 3D. Kojima brought everything everyone liked into this new game and some new features like the photo camouflage and other stuff. But this is just the good things. Unfortunately it brought some bad things too. One of it its the 3D: sometimes (about 5 minutes) you turn your 3D down because you can't see anything! It gets very irritating once in a while. Another thing its the camera. I personally like the way the controls are but when your running in the jungle, sometimes a tree gets in front of the camera! Just for that I was murdered a hundreds of times!
Well let's get to the facts: its not a bad game but it could help if this issues were resolved. Got to say Kojima made one of the best games in the 3DS that I have ever seen. Kojima, you deserve it!