Metal Gear Peace Walker: A Masterpiece that you can play on a PSP... worth the wait... amazing... revolutionary!!!!!!!!!

User Rating: 10 | Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker PSP
After playing Portable OPS, I always wished Kojima make a better Metal Gear Game for the PSP. While Portable OPS is a great game, there were many flaws that limited the game; namely the convoluted controls and the fact you had to drag your captured victims to the truck every time. Peace Walker solved this dilemma with Fulton and a control scheme close to Metal Gear Solid 4 or you can stick with the same Portable OPS version or play through the game using Monster Hunter control scheme. Though not perfect due to the constraints of the PSP, the game controls take some getting used to, but when you get a handle of it, it is one of the best handling PSP games you will ever find ( SEE GOD OF WAR: GHOST OF SPARTA)

Peace Walker has it all, a great story, great art work, MULTIPLAYER CO-OP, voice acting, and hundreds of hours of game play, and I mean hundreds... there is so much to do in this game with out me spoiling it for anyone who hasn't played... Peace walker is a masterpiece with only a few flaws... namely the CO-OP... it means you have to get yourself a buddy thats nearby or you have to get yourself a playstation account to play with others... also if you want to hear voice acting, better invest in a bigger memory stick because this game is gonna force you to download part of the game (which is still worth it). Other than that Peace Walker is a Masterpiece....

Graphics: 10
Why a 10... best looking PSP game to date

Sound: 10
Great voice acting

Control: 9.7
3 control schemes to chose from can be frustrating but you will get used to it. The fact the PSP is a limiting device plays into the diminished controls... hopefully PSP2 will fix that

Story: 10

Game play: 10
With over hundreds of hours of game play, you will not be bored! HIGH REPLAY VALUE!
FROM CO-OP with friend, to multiplayer to "POKEMON" style to capturing soldiers and tanks... this game has it all

Even though the controls can be a little frustrating, its still a great masterpiece of a game... KOJIMA did us a great favor in making this game... i wish he remakes portable OPS to the same manner as PEACE WALKER