The Twin Snakes is a remake of Metal Gear Solid on the PS1, a game that hasn't aged well. An amazing game for MGS fans.

User Rating: 9.5 | Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes GC
First off, this game is such a breath of fresh air to see. No doubt the original Metal Gear Solid that was released on the Playstation in 1998 was a classic game that set a standard for not only the Metal Gear series, but paved the way for many other games like it. When I say its a breath of fresh air, I mean that it is such a huge graphical overhaul. The original game has not aged well over the years in terms of graphics and gameplay.

Snake looks alot better than his 1998 Playstation version, which is expected since the Twin Snakes is a Gamecube game. Graphically this game looks like it is just slightly under Metal Gear Solid 2 : Sons of Liberty. Character models have a good amount of detail, Shadow Moses looks better than ever and it feels fun and nastalgic to go through it and remember what it looked like then and how it looks in Twin Snakes.

Gameplay has seen a major improvment. Snake can do all of his moves from Metal Gear Solid 2. He can now roll out of the way to avoid gunfire, hang from ledges, and aim in first person view, allowing for precision and the ability to shoot out cameras as well.. This may seem like it could make the game easier but, the A.I. has gotten alot better over the years as well. they can see you from across a room and they have less predictable patrol routes. Now when you take out a gaurd thier body will not dissapear, so you will have to hide the body. You can hide bodies in lockers as well as hide yourself in the locker too. Gaurd gives updates every now and then, so if you kill a gaurd and they do not check in or respond over the radio more gaurds will be sent to see what happened.

Another addition to this game is the M9 tranquilizer gun and the PSG1-T, which is a sniper rifle that shoots tranquilizers.

The story is done well, and in my opinion, it's the best story in the entire series.
You are Solid Snake, sent to Shadow Moses Island to save the Darpa Chief Donald Anderson and Armstech President Kennith Baker. On top of that you have to stop terrorist who have Metal Gear Rex and want a cure for FOXDIE, a virus that kills selected targets and also one billion dollars and the remains of the Legendary Soldier, Big Boss. Liquid Snake, Solid Snake's brother, is the mastermind behind all of this. Along with Liquid there is Revolver Ocelot and the FOXHOUND Unit Sniper Wolf, Vulcan Raven, and Psycho Mantis.

This game's cutscenes, dialogue, and voices have all seen some changes as well. Mei Ling, Naomi Hunter, Nastasha, Vulcan Raven and Frank Jaeger (Cyborg Ninja) have new voices/ Mei Ling and Nastasha no longer have deep ethnic accents. Naomi Hunter also lost her British accent as well. Some of the music is changed too.

The cutscenes look great in this game, they feature more action, that somewhat looks like a action movie. I can say that sometimes they are over the top, sometimes resembling the Matrix, as Snake dodges bullets or missiles in slow motion. This doesnt take away from the game for me, but I know alot of people have a problem with this.

Assuming that whoever is reading this played the original:
As for some of the the other changes, Ocelot's torture sessions are nowhere near as hard as they were in 1998, also repelling down the communication tower while Liquid is shooting at you with the Hind D is much easier as well.

When starting the game, Snakes health bar is significantly larger and you can hold 5 rations instead of 2.
Pretty much all of the boss fights are the same as they were in 1998 but alot easier with the games enhancements. I played on Normal difficulty so I will try harder ones later but my belief is that this game is easier due to the broken gameplay in the original being addressed and the first person aiming allowing you to shoot enemies when they arent on your screen.

All in all this is a great game and a must have for all Metal Gear fans, the graphical overhaul and gameplay enhancements do much to make this a more enjoyable game. the new cutscense look better than ever and the nastalgia you will feel as you play this game make it a must have.