the famous character from the first metroid prime makes another return in one of the best action games of all time.

User Rating: 9.3 | Metroid Prime 2: Echoes GC
my god, i have been waiting for this game for as long as i can remember, from the first days it was announced, i mean i almost though it was going to be released in 2005, but i'm glad i get to experience once again the wonderfulness that IS metroid prime 2 echoes. it is amazing Review: graphics are awesome, (i think no one can argue there), although retro studios may have said somewhere that the graphics have been slightly improved, well i havent seen those improved graphics but i can understand, the game is new and i havent even beat half of it yet and who knows what surprises might be in stored for me or any other gamer out there who enjoys this game. the sounds are gorgeous, absolutely amazing, the weapons make the most interesting souns you could ever hear, and of course the enemies, those aliens can sure make noises, specially when attacking. and of course who could ever forget the gameplay, new weapons, new abilities (not many, but interesting ones), new areas, new enemies and artificial intelligence, but the thing that i hope never changes is the main character, when it comes to character looks, that part has a perfect 10, i mean it looks so amazing Well, i gotta say i was impressed, anxious too because i wanted this game so bad, and i can't believe i now have it in my possesion, i love this game and the one before it. if you dont have neither, buy them both and you'll see what i'm talking about