Everything you could want and more almost.

User Rating: 7 | Metroid Prime GC

Isolated worlds, high poly graphics, bump maps, first person perspective, exploration, Metroidvania,challenge, strong female protagonist, hours of gameplay, puzzles. So why don't I love this game?

Well here's the thing it's not like the typical usual PC FPS. No this is JFPS. Japanese can't make first person shooter games so they made this. A first person action adventure game that relies on exploration rather than combat. Plus this game has lots of cutscenes, so it makes it slower. I didn't. But I am sure you will. Many people wanted a 3D platformer Metroid but instead it's a psuedo shooter. The worlds are rather drab despite it's detail so everything is this puke green with yellow and lots of glowy stuff. There isn't a whole lot of story either. Just tid bits. You have one weapon and it doesn't mean much other than the powers you get. Which is fine. More than fine really.

This game is still good besides it's flaws.