Great unexpected game

User Rating: 9 | Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor XONE

I bought this game because bestbuy was given one game free if you buy two xone game.

I chose this game because I read a lot of good reviews, however, as I was buying Dragon Age, I wan't expecting to buy to similar games, specially considering that Dragon Age takes 100 hours to be beating.

Well, after playing a couple of hours I was hooked by the game. Great story and great gameplay are two of the main pros of the game. Sometimes you feel some repetitiveness in the game but you never get bored.

This is one of the best representation of a movie alongside Batman (I think they are the same developer).

By now the game you be around 29,99 dollars, I would recommend to buy it because you get a lot for it. More than 30 hours of good game.

The only cons I would say is that the frame rate of the cutscenes are terrible bad (I counld´t ensure that it is because the game, it might be my xone that may come broken... hope not).

If you have the same problem, please, let me know... thanks