Great game in a great setting but with not so great conrols

User Rating: 7 | Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor PS4

What's there to say? It's set in the darker part of Middle-Earth. So you will encounter Uruk most of the time. And that's good, because those are the kind you are going to slay! :-)

I must say, it has more variety then I expected. Because you can choose your own approach for every task/mission. Stealthy, with branded enemies or full force.

The only disappointing part (to me) were the controls. When you're running or riding a carragor (one of the monsters in the game) it's nearly impossible to run in a straight line. Or instead of walking past a wall, you accidentally climb it.

Or when you're on top of a wall and want to hang onto it. You have no control of deciding which side you're going to hang. Climbing onto a wall might be troublesome as well. Sometimes, in the middle of a fight it might be smart to quickly climb on a wall (Uruk can't climb walls) only to discover that specific part of the wall turns out to be unclimable. Or you happen to not face the wall in the exact one and only way, making your character make just a dumb jump-like move before being slain further by the angry crowd you were trying to escape from.

Branding Uruks is great. They instantly become your guards. But who has decided that the 'Gain intel'-button and the 'Kill instantly'-button both need to be X? This has cost me several captains I surely didn't want to kill (yet) because apparently I didn't have any more Uruks to discover.

And then there are the QTE's. In the middle of a fight, when you're on the edge of dying, a QTE pop's up. You have to do a special 'thing' to stay alive. Ok, I can live with that and I even kind of like the way it's used. But not with the fact that sometimes it just looks like a QTE has started.. And while you're wondering why the screen has frozen you realise: Oh wait, it's the QTE starting. Huh? I still have control? No QTE? Oh no, it was just my character who was badly wounded and who needed to gasp for breath. On other times the QTE seems to pop out of no-where which surprises you so that you're way too late ..

But do play this game. It's really a great setting with some challinging missions but most are reasonably easy. The looks are great and the mision you're on (the plot) is failry OK.And you do meet some of the wel-known characters you know from the movies. In general I really did have a good time playing it. Aside from a little cusring every now and then..

Replayability is low, although you can pick up the game after you've finished it, because of the (great!) 'nemesis' system which provides an endless hierarchi of Uruk captains and warchiefs. You'll never run out of enemies!