Best and most realistic baseball game out there! Does have its problems, especially online. Keep to the other game modes

User Rating: 9 | MLB 09: The Show PS3
Now I'm not the best MLB 09: The Show player ever, but I've had experience with baseball games and this one is difficult. The hitting is harder than last year. If you were hitting .450 or higher in Road to the Show, even on rookie, expect to hit .350 this year. Now The Show's main improvements from last year are in Road to the Show. They have added new base running controls that is controlled by analog stick, and they also added base running and hitting training to improve your player. They have also put some improvements in Franchise mode by adding in player arbitration. You now can deal with young players asking for more money adding another level of realism to this already real game. Don't understand arbitration? That's O.K., because MLB gives you an in game manual that explains everything you need to know about arbitration. The one major flaw that really set this game back and probably would have made it the game of the year in 2009 is the fact that online mode completely SUCKS!!! The game aspect has so much lag that it completely ruins the experience, and it's a shame because this really would have made this the bast baseball game ever. I tried playing maybe 200 times online and I made it through only 50 or so games without disconnection or forfeiting due to the horrible lag. There is one thing that makes up for that and that is the graphics. Just like 08 they are the best ones out there! Updated player rosters and realism is what The Show franchise strives for every year and this one is no different. The ballpark life is astounding. Your favorite mascots come to life to pump up the crowd and the crowd is the most realistic of any other sports game. The crowd has an amazing level of realism because they walk around the park, reach for foul balls and home runs, they wear clothes that match the season (sweatshirts, jackets, t-shirts, shorts, pants), and they really react to what's going on on the field. This truly is the MOST realistic game out there. I would definitely recommend this to any baseball fan.