An in-depth review of the PS3's Modnation Racers!

User Rating: 9 | ModNation Racers PS3
A "Mod" is a citizen of Modnation, a racer shall we say.

Modnation Racers, or should I say "Little Big Planet Racers", is a brand new Playstation 3 exclusive racer, the first Kart game on the console, and the PS3's equivalent of Mario Kart. As I have owned a Wii and played Mario Kart, I was sceptical as to whether it had the capacity to beat the Nintendo giant, and whilst mowing it down, sorting out some of the annoying nuisances that plagued its predecessor. The nuisances I am referring to are the "first place syndrome" a name I have just made up, which epitomizes the problem. When you manage to get Mario's fat, saggy, red arse into first place all and sundry fire projectiles in your direction stealing 1st place from your sweaty outstretched palm. I'm glad to report though, Modnation is not like that. No way. The weapons may be different, and not as iconic as a banana and red shell, however, the game relies more upon the drivers skill and ability to drift, generating turbo which can be saved, used as a shield or used to turbo boost.
Altogether, there are three types' weapon types, available once you drive through a red, Chinese lantern style weapon box. Each item can be upgraded three times, the more upgraded, the fiercer the outcome. Speed, rocket and hydro blast being the weapons of choice.
I shall get this out of the way, the only negative word that can be said about this game is its loading times which are awful, and certainly a deterrent from playing the game. Players must wait for the initial game to load, then the mode and finally the race (taking a combined total of 4 minutes) But hey! This is for a justifiable reason for waiting, as the game is simply downloading the content that the online community has. Patches have been suggested which would shorten the wait; however, if you can get past the unbearable loading, you'll reap the reward.
The career mode is crammed with content to keep you amused for weeks with over 20 tracks, each with three objectives that must be complete in order to 100% the game. On a personal note, my favourite incentive was to collect the tokens. These are small purple, hovering objects which can be redeemed in the Creation Station later on (more on that shortly) There are 5 to collect in each level and add replay value to the game, as well as a refreshing side challenge whilst in 1st place and cruising (cough ME cough) There is a story in the Career mode, but if I'm being honest, it's not on the same page as, Red Dead Redemption's and not nearly as riveting but would you expect that, I wouldn't.
So, can't find the game's unique selling point yet eh? Just some polished, shiny new racer, yeah? WRONG, the game's central hub is where the action lies, with options to race online, time trial, split screen, hot lap, create station, top karts, top mods, mod talk (panting noise) and coming attractions!
To smash and squeeze the most out of this game, internet connection is certainly required as it is your ticket to explore an exciting world of online racers, with unique designs and quirky mods. Central hub is like a fairground, where you are free to do as you please be it drift around like a crazy person, bash people (not recommended), speak to online players or choose one of the many options available to you.
Want to create a Mod?, no prob!, customisation is almost limitless and you can create almost anything you put your mind too, from Master Chief to the Monopoly man, any idea is viable. Want to create your own race track? The kind people at United Front have supplied you with plenty of customisable objects to give your track the MRC factor. Oh, one more thing, Karts are available too! With a multitude of bodies, patterns, colours and stickers you can make anything you want.
Comparisons with Little Big Planet in the way that you can Create, Share and Play, and that is why this game is so user friendly and fun. The Modnation community is extremely friendly and don't quit when they lose.
Finally, If you manage to muster up something sublime in the creation station that captures the eye of a passerby, it could end up being displayed for all to see in the Top Karts and Top mods section of the Mod spot.
If you're looking for a racer which has trophies galore, a long lifespan and amazing online, Modnation Racers PS3 is the game you're looking for. Its summery and infectious soundtrack, lush visuals and fantastic online mode will satisfy your gaming needs, and if it doesn't, you're strange.
Also, listen out for the commentators Gary Reason and Biff. I laughed out loud at their hilarious conversations and comedic remarks.

Overall 9.6/10