MK vs. DC is a crossover fighting game lacking in content, balancing, and substance.

User Rating: 5.5 | Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe PS3
Sometimes you have return to a game and play it after a newer version has came out and giggle a bit at how primitive. One could easily look at Mortal Kombat @ to 3 and see the evolution and how much change took place. Sure the second game is always fun to play, but you can see the dull edges a mile away. Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe is one of those games.

After playing the stellar, content packed, blast that was Mortal Kombat 9 or just Mortal Kombat as it says on the package, playing MK vs. DC is a bore to say the least.

Overall, some of the fighting mechanics are novel ideas. The freefall combat, building smashing QTEs, Rage mode, and grapple moments are interesting adn give the game a unique feel compared to earlier Mortal Kombats. However, there are serious balance issues with some of the characters and an anemic AI. You'll find yourself able to spam moves against your enemy with little consequence. In fact, only the final boss posed any real challenge to me at all. Some characters are also unbalanced thanks to some of their special moves such as Batman, the Flash, and Kitana.

I'd rather try to forget the story mode entirely. Where previous MK games has a limited story involvement or this game's successor has an amazing story experience, MK vs. DC is just plain terrible. I'm used to terrible, wooden voice acting in games and movies, but this is ridiculous. Constantly hearing the characters go on about the "RAGE!" before they fight for no constant reason followed up by running into a new character which they attack simply because they don't know who they are is just plain stupid.

Visually, the game is alright. MK9 is much more detailed in textures and polygons than this game, but for a first time effort on the PS3, it's not a bad looking game. You can even see that some of the MK characters from this game retain pretty much the same appearance in the next. The environments look bland to me. However, the game runs incredibly smooth without any hint of lag.

The sound design is pretty pitiful. Dialog is wooden and laughable. Even the announcer sounds terrible. Background music is hardly noticed as well. This is definitely not a high point for the series.

Value is also sorely lacking. Outside of your story mode which tells two stories with the same basic outcome, there's pretty much nothing here. Seriously. Unlike previous Mortal Kombat games which had mini games and beat 'em modes, MK vs. DC has nothing. This means unless you play for trophies or against a friend, you'll find there's no reason to pick this game up after you've ran out of the thrill.

MK vs. DC was a first run attempt at a game for the PS3 and a crossover for the series. Neither work out very well. It is cheap now however. So if you're wanting to check it out you can find it for $10-$20. Just don't come expecting anything amazing.

The Good: Fun combat moments, characters look good, game runs fluidly.

The Bad: Story mode is awful, boring sound design, lacks value, unbalanced combat at times.