Probably the only new PC Motorcycling game worth out there

User Rating: 7.1 | MotoGP 3: Ultimate Racing Technology PC
Not that there are lots of new PC motorcycling games out there this one will have to do. I ride a motorcycle everyday and i can tell you this game does not come close to it. The onboard view is the one i select first in any racing game and its horrible in this one.

Superbikes 2001 is 100 times beter. The game itsell looks great, nice graphics the way you can custom make your own player is great. Its near impossible to keep a good line in a corner using the keyboard. I use my Logitech joypad and that works much better.

I only wish that the PS3 Tourist Trophy was made for PC asswell but alas not. Not since Superbikes 2001 has there been a motorcycle game for PC that inspired me.

No matter how many tracks or bikes or whatever they cram into this game will make it any better until they change the physics engine.

It is still enjoyable enough to play a few hours at a time. Also to reach the Master class difficulty was very easy. Download the demo first if you are thinking of buying it unless its really cheap to buy.