How do you Break a fun, but unbalanced Medieval game? Add Firearms!

User Rating: 3.5 | Mount & Blade: With Fire & Sword PC
Again, I will attempt to keep this quick for the TL;DR

Let us go down the list of good this game has given us compared to past installments that can be seen in the first 10 hours of Gameplay:

- Destructible environment pieces (Fences, Locks, etc)
- Actually interesting to look at armors

Now for what it has taken away.

- Playing as female (Actually made the game harder and the weak political aspects of the game fun)
- Sense of Sandbox: The games prior just needed more random quest events, and more fleshing out of reactions to your actions (Actual controversy and so forth) Now everything is dependant on several "Main Quests" and slows the pace of the game even further (Cheating across the map was a must in prior installments due to the size of the map and how fast grindable enemies could run from your party)

What bad the game has given us:

- Firearms: Mount & Blade was never a balanced game (You joined Swadian faction or died a lot/Lost 50 men per battle) But now the possibility of being 1 hit KO by a firearm adds a Random factor. You might as well roll a Dice rather then play the game to see the outcome of each battle. I could play prior installments as the Rhodok (The Weakest faction) on full difficulty and still win almost every battle due to my tactical use and placement of my men.... Now... Occasionally A battle will go on five seconds before I take a 1 hit kill shot from across the map.
Basically, all this game did was replace crossbows and their connected skill with Firearms (Firearms is in the same place in your skills list as crossbow, go figure) and removed much of the fun on their game.

All in all, this game is nothing more but a glorified mod the developers are forcing you to pay for. The faster the gaming community learns to say no to atrocities like this, the faster we may start getting actual effort put into the RPG Genre.