It's a man and wife team who has made the game. Just imagine if the team where just as big as blizzard's.

User Rating: 9.8 | Mount & Blade PC
How can only two people make such a fantastic game? M&B actually revolutionize the RPG genre. Why, cause it's realistic, funny and best of all, it features alot of new gameplay twists.

Gameplay: I found the gameplay really fantastic. It featured a realistic but really fun gameplay. While in other RPG's you run around and fight goblins and throw magic and stuff like that, you will instead lead dozins of soldiers into battle against bandits, armies and so on. There's nothing called "Healing Potions" and there will be no magical artifacts, so you'll have to pull yourself together in the heat of battle, otherwise you're historie. Even though it might sound boring to someones ears, try giving it a try. It's hard to explain the whole gameplay.

Graphics: With only two developers and a very small budget, M&B actually have some quite impressive graphics. Though not cutting edge, it has some great looking models, and a face editor, which reminds kinda much of the one in Oblivion. The textures also look good, though some look better than others.

Sound: M&B has some great soundtracks, even though there arent a huge varity of scores. M&B also include some great sound effects. While in the heat of battle, you will here soldiers insulting eachother, and when the war is over, you will also hear soldier saying "VICTORY". Thére could be some enviroment sounds, but luckly, the game is still under development.

Value: M&B has a quite good replay value, cause you can create your caracter and your army in so many ways. If you made a caracter who specialized him/herself in melee combat, you can instead make one, who's good a ranged combat. Also the game includes two countries, the Vaegirs and the Swadians, both with their own pros and cons. Also the combat is so funny, that it is hard to get tired of.

Tilt: M&B is both funny and challenging. It's still under development, so i can't imagine how good it's gonna be, when it's complete. The combat is funny, and there is a large world to explore. The game cost about 10-15$ right now, but sooner or later, it's gonna cost 25$. Buy it as soon as yo can, so that you can get it at a discount prize.