The Basics on why some may not like this amazing game and why many do like it.

User Rating: 9.5 | Mount & Blade PC
This game brings me to the subject of graphics. they are not clean, beautiful, or even moderate for today which is why some low-lives may frown upon this game. As the saying goes "Don't judge a book by its cover" in this case it is graphics. The reasons for the terrible graphics include its battles that have many Npc's at a time. Another reason for the dirty sort of look is that it was made to run on many computers instead of only super computers that run crysis or other games.
The game has an interesting travel system, but in a good way. you select where to go on a large map and may encounter several bandits on a large journey. It is true that there are some tedious quests in there, but in nearly every game I've played there has been at least one tedious moment. If you are discouraged by that I will inform you that it is no big deal for these quests are not too abundant. There is also Quick Play in which you can just plain fight.

Overall, this game is no piece of art but it is still very entertaining.