Paid $3.99 for it, still overpaid!!!

User Rating: 2 | N3II: Ninety-Nine Nights X360
This is one of those games to you have to play to really believe how bad it is. When I saw this in the bargain bin at my local Gamestop, I figured, why not? I only paid $3.99 for it, and even though I was well aware of how poorly it was rated, I figured at the very least it would be good for some cheap Gamerscore points.

Man, was I wrong. It only takes about 10 minutes of gameplay to really see how spectacularly horrid this game is. To begin with, the combat is mind numbing simplistic. While you can do some simple combos and special attacks, you invariably end up mashing the X or Y button over and over and over and over. That's it. The game mechanics almost force you to simply spam attacks, because if you take the time to do combos, you will most certainly be hit by a cheap shot from an opponent off screen. The camera is your worst enemy in this aspect, as while enemies are streaming from every direction at you, and you must constantly spin the camera around to avoid these frustrating attacks from enemies who almost seemed programed to attack you when the camera isn't on them. To top it off, enemies are simply carbon copies of one another, and it makes it difficult to tell where the attacks are coming from. The enemies will simply overwhelm you, pin you against the walls, and hit you until you are dead. Health items are scattered so thinly that it is better to to outrun enemies from checkpoint to checkpoint instead of fighting, which is a daunting task because checkpoints are the only thing more scant than health items!

Over the course of the game, you can upgrade your characters, but it is pointless, as not only do the characters attack in almost identical ways, their stats are so close that you aren't going to improve much from one character to the next. Even if you did decide to play as different characters, you will have to do so by playing the same levels over and over in the EXACT same way. Weapon upgrades are handled in a similar fashion, and their attacks don't vary much from one upgrade to the next, so you get bored fast.

The levels are so poorly designed that you will find yourself playing stretches over and over. It is incredibly frustrating because death usually comes from getting lost in areas that look the same and having enemies chip your health down. Boss fights are very oddly placed in the levels. You will run across them in a way that just seems wrong. One second you are fighting simple foot soldiers, then a boss will be on screen. No warning, no plot bump, nothing. The boss fights are simply awful, with bosses just being able to take mass chunks of your health in one shot. Instead of a traditional boss fight that requires you to be on your game, use combos, dodge, block, etc, it boils down to luck and a lot of patience in checkpoint reloading.

In short, avoid this one. It is a stinker. I would recommend stealing it from a friend, but it's so bad your friend will probably have used it as a coaster.