What happened 2k?!

User Rating: 3 | NBA 2K15 PS3
I've been a 2k fan since its first inception and I can't remember being this frustrated wih any other release of the nba 2k series. I switched to playing 2k because of the realism compared to Nba live back in the day, but this year's offering of 2k is by far the furthest away from realism as it has ever been. Graphics and all are good especially on the next gen consoles, but graphics is not what keeps people playing.. It's the gameplay! A shot meter?! Really? This just totally kills the feeling of a realistic basketball simulation, if i wanted to look at a meter i'd play worms or something.. Don't want that on my basketball game. Kobe bryant can't hit a wide open jumper to save his life in 2k15. Playing defense is a joke as well.. When you're defense it's like the players are drunk or something, and they lose all natural reflex that prime athletes are supposed to have. I especially hate it when i play good defense for 23 seconds and then suddenly the computer's ai will decide to hit a 3 pointer from out of nowhere. Granted that it happens sometimes in real life, but not with regularity like how it happens in 2k, and wih a player that has no business taking 3's like amir johnson The overall feel of the game is just so artificial.. It's like you know that there is no way u can win a particular game because its rigged to go the ai's way.. And the next game you know you can win because the ai decided to do so, it's not your skill or know how of basketball that led you to that W. I wish they'll fix it and concentrate on making it a real basketball simulation like before. Get rid of the effing shot meter for goodness sake!