Huge car selection, smart cop AI, beautiful graphics, and realism is what finally makes Need for Speed so great!

User Rating: 8 | Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2 PS2
Need for Speed has always been a common title. When ever someone wanted to play a racing game, the first thing that came to that persons mind was Need for Speed. Hot Pursuit 2 (HP2) is the reason why it's popularity will remain for another year or so.

Gameplay: There are two main modes of play. Tournament or Hot Pursuit. Each mode will take you through many challanges that get tougher and tougher while the rewards climb higher. In Tournament, it's mostly circuit races while some are beat-the-clock races. In Hot Pursuit, its the same thing, only the cops will chase you. This makes it more difficult, and also much more fun. If you are caught speeding, the cop will drive right after you. Resist pulling over, and he calls for back up. Resist even more, they will lay down blockades and spike stips. Resist even more and there will be helicopters dropping a frenzy of bomb on top of you. The game also offers a varaiety of camera angles. The problem with the gameplay is that sometimes the cops will only come after you and wont even bother the other drivers. This can get frustrating over time. After each race, the game offers a camera replay. Graphics: The big winner is right here. Hot Pursuit 2 offers some of the most realistic looking tracks available. Not to mention the cars ALL look smoking hot! There is also some damage modeling on the cars. One thing that it's missing however is the ability to paint a car with different colors. For example, a Ferrari can only be red or yellow, and that just sucks. Who has a problem with a Black Ferrari??

Sound: Nothing special here. Sound of Engines?? Check. Sound of collisions? check. Explosions? Check.. 6 cops ramming you of the road with really loud sirens?? Check.

Value: Theres more than 50 challanges in Hot Pursuit 2. Included is some 2 player action including Be-The-Cop. Wanna replay every challange? Be my guest.

Overall: If you are looking for a great racer with a budget of 10$, look no further than Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2.