lot's of people say that this game is just absolute carp. But you should check out my side of the story.

User Rating: 6.5 | Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit WII
I have to say, I have this game and I didn't really like it as I thought it would be. I mean like the stu ups are alright but, the graphics, don't get me started on that. It is even better on the iphone.

Lot's of people say that this is the worst game on the wii, and I disagree. It might not be that good but It is not horrible. What I mean is that at least you get to customise your cars. What's wrong with that? If this game was horrible you won't even be able to customise your cars at all.

I also found out that this game actually is good with multiplayer because when you play intercepter with 4 or 3 people it turns out to be so fun you will wan to be replaying the stage. I know this because my friends came to my house and they said they wanted to play hot pursuit. So when we played hot pursuit we played intercepter together. We were all cops and we were having so much fun.

I also think that the cars are pretty good. You get to have a BMW, Buggati, and Other awesome cars. And when you customise the cars they turn out o look even better

Thats why I think that hot pursuit might not be good on the wii, but at least it is not the worst game on the wii. And If you want to have more fun you should play with your friends because like I said, with other people it is more fun then how it is.