Good gameplay, but really poor graphics.

User Rating: 5 | Need for Speed: Nitro DS
Am I playing the same game as everybody else on here? The high rating baffles me. Sure, they added many new elements to a racing game which were before seen only in Asphalt 1 and 2 and then some. The graphics really take a back seat though. The bright levels look like drawings done by children for heaven's sake. The evening and night time levels are slightly better.

The gameplay is pretty tight and pretty smooth too. It doesn't get boring scoring points and is pretty fun for the most part. Picking up coins, bottles and jumping through hoops is fun while racing, but as I mentioned before, one can't enjoy this which such poor graphics. Can this be achieved you ask? Just look at Asphalt 2 which was originally made for the N-gage and is basically shovel-ware for the DS, but still preserved really well. Look at Grid for instance, really good graphics and realistic car behaviour whereas in NFS:N running into a wall while turning is ok, even if the accelerator is on. All this is OK, if the people making the game didn't try to make it look really fancy and it really looked like they tried too hard with this one.

Time to learn - 5 minutes
Gameplay - 8.7
Graphics - 3.5

Overall - 5/10