What's happening to 2K?

User Rating: 3 | NHL 2K9 PS3
When i first got this game, I really noticed some changes. The whole looks of the main menu improved, and they FINALLY updated the profile pictures. The I went to create a player. A little improvment with some updated equipment and very customizable. Then I went to Franchise Mode. Pretty cool menu, with the NHL.com feature, I really thought this game rocked. The new playoff beards were a pretty nice idea. Then i left this and went to Create a Team. WHAT?!?! THEY SCREWED THIS UP!!! All you can do is choose a logo, choose name and city, and pick the team. Last year was really cool with the alternate jerseys and stuff, but YOU CANT EVEN CHOOSE YOUR OWN JERSEY!!! I always thoguht of 2K as the fun game and EA as hardcore, mainly because of 2K's skybox, unlockable items, and battle mode, but all of that is GONE!!! All there really is to do is Franchise and Season. Come on 2K, what happend?

Overall, it's kind of a so-so game, so try renting it first.