This was a very disappointing title. There isn't a whole lot in this game to keep you interested.

User Rating: 2.5 | NIER X360
When I first saw Nier being developed a few years back, I thought it looked promising. A game by Square, which is usually a top tier RPG maker, and than add a hack-n-slash style to the mix, and I would've thought it would make for a fun experience. Wrong! I recently picked up my copy, which only ended up costing $25, so I thought, heck, maybe it will be worth it? The first thing that jumped out at me was the ugly character animations. The main character looks so retarded! He almost looks like a old lady at times, with his gray hair, and wrinkled up textures. The graphics in this game are last gen at best. There are games I know of that were on the Xbox or Gamecube that bested this title easily.
Now on to the audio. The musical score is hit and miss so far. The first stage was so annoying , with that little girl singing, that I had to go the menu screen, and turn it all the way down! After I made it to the second mission, the music sounded decent, with the ambient sound of monk's chanting, which is always cool. The only thing about that is that it was very repetitive. The dialogue is also crippling! I was expecting that with a RPG by Square, but not like this! It seems like it was scripted by some middle school students.
The gameplay also suffers. There are times when I was trying my hardest to grab a block, by pressing the right bumper, but the game failed to recognize it. After about 5 minutes it finally let me grab the freaking block and slide it to where I needed to .I also had a hard time when fighting the first set of bosses, simply because my button pressing at certain times were still going unnoticed. I say skip on this title, even if you do find it in a bargain bin. Maybe with another year of development, and a re-tooled dialogue it would have been better.