Just another week in the life of a Super Ninja... so prepare to save the world and break free from 'The Grip of M

User Rating: 7.5 | Ninja Gaiden 3 X360
Im a Ninja Gaiden Fan - own all in the series apart from PS Vita port.

Here is my breakdown of this title

Campaign/Story Mode:
Arcade action all the way - little arcade adventuring / level exploration.
Basic arcade actionhence no in-game menus - also as of yet no extra ninpo.
Only Sword and bow selectable - although claws available free for use in story mode - with online pass.

Graphics :
Using modified PS3 NGS2 engine - lower poly count compared to NGII engine - some very minor tearing balanced with some amazing effects - although some bland textures. Reduced polys result in no de-limb/ decap of standard enemies.

Cool effects - music generally good - not quite up to previous NG's.

Story Mode -
Arcade action all the way - little arcade adventuring / level exploration.
Basic arcade action hence no in-game menus - also as of yet no extra ninpo.
Only Sword and bow selectable - although claws available free for use in story mode - with online pass.
Downer is the many QTE's (especially during helicopter battles) can get a little annoying.
I found the games difficulty [Normal] was more enjoyable, and certainly less soul crushing than NG2's over reliance on balancing use of health items -(Although overall NG2 is a superior title to this).

Online MP-In clan battle, as well as being part of one of two sides* you are given a personal 'mission' objective - ie. Stealth kill player 'x' , Revenge kill player 'y' or Finish Player with weapon 'z' etc.
Also you unlock Kanji Symbols - added to the back your outfit during combat - cool. Also at certain points the clans will disperse and you are left in a free for all situation - very hectic ! .Smooth online play and story mode/ co-op modes aid replayability - and online MP and future DLC delivers value for money.

After approx 20hrs of total gameplay (including Online MP) - I conclude it is pretty good game.
I got mine for only £29.99 so review marks based on this pricepoint, please
-0.5pt if you bought at price above this.
Support via. 'Shadows of the World' mode and any further free DLC packs will ensure the game still has legs.

The lows were / are easy for all NG veterans to see - few enemy types, shonky level design, and the lack of menus and an interactive Muramasa Shop.
The highs were also immense - with some really cool boss fights, occasional spectacular environs and some glitzy effects.
As a Ninja Gaiden title it is sorely lacking - not enough content, not enough detail and well... just not long enough either - 8 chapters/days are not enough. Needed a little more dev. time maybe?.
But, for all its many faults its still definitely a game 'Worth Playing'

My Verdict = OK
Overall Rating = 7.5/10

I have completed this game on Normal mode - all those wanting a challenge I strongly suggest you select this from the start - ignore 'Hero'.
Normal Mode is for normal gamer ability.