Best baseball simulation out there

User Rating: 9 | Out of the Park Baseball 20 PC

This review is copy+pasted from my Steam review

Very similar to OOTP 19. I don't play Perfect Team or the new tournaments mode, the only notes I have are for the Standard Mode.

- You can use the opener strategy, this is a nice option to have but I prefer a regular starter and then putting pitchers in depending on if the game is close or a blowout.

- Maybe I've just done it wrong in the past, but now it seems I can have a player in my starting lineup that can replace a tired player in my lineup. For example, if I have Matt Olson playing 1B, I can also have him switch to LF if the starter is tired. He moves to LF for the game and whoever is secondary for 1B fills 1B.

- Apparently the Al is better. It's not really noticeable because the AI was decent to begin with. However, I also haven't been able to get Mike Trout for a couple risky prospects because the Angels went way over budget, like in OOTP 19. Sometimes the AI will sign some risky long-term contracts that backfire badly.

- Signing staff is frustrating. Your manager/coaches are very effective if they have a better relationship and influence with the players. The only way you can check this is going into the profile and then into relationships. This can become annoying after the 20th time for a single manager/coach on a single team. You need a Manager, Hitting Coach and Pitching Coach, across all levels (Rookie, A-, A, A+, AA, AAA, MLB) so it can take some time. Once you find a good one lock them in forever.

That's all I can think of right now, feel free to ask any questions of head over to for any more information.