Import Review Great game with a great expansion from the original. (Japanese Version tested)

User Rating: 9 | Phantasy Star Portable 2 PSP
I received my Phantasy star Portable 2 about 2 weeks after release and all I can say is its alot of fun, Even though there is a huge language barrier in the game which can make it hard to play and explore the full content of the game, In general the game is really good. First off for players of the previous game there has been a lot of changes and not for the best. In the game now you character has a PP bar not the weapon, which makes it more difficult if you are playing as a Force Character, Even though it recharges over time it doesn't give the same type of support of the old phantasy star Portable.

Gameplay- The game play is pretty much the same as before besides what I jus said about PP and the fact that you can evade easier now by diving. The levels are widely expanded with loads more and returning ones from the old game. The game is set in the same universe with Parem, Neudiaz and Matoob, you get to see alot more of these planets visiting new areas and fighting lots of new enemies and monsters. The guardian colony has been re-placed with a new one which now lets you run around it instead of going through menu's in the previous game. In your room you can also now put furniture and posters up. My favorite feature of the game is in your room there is an option on your computer to input codes, theres codes can be found on websites and the official site. These give you new weapons, room items and clothing. Even better if your like me a bug anime fan alot of they are promotional items from animes, For example I have rei's plug suit and the lance of longinus from Neon Genesis Evangelion, aswell as Saber's armour and Excalibur aswell as Archers daggers and costume from fate stay night.

The game itself is quite a but harder in difficulty personally. Even though there are lots of free missions to do you will find your self training up alot. And for what most of you are wondering about the language barrier, To be hinest there is nothing you will get to the point where you are stuck on the game due to the language barrier, but you do miss alot of the games content.

The game does feature an online mode which I haven't been able to get on due to the consle having to be registered with a Japanese account which mine is already registed to an english account.

Graphics- the graphics are pretty much the same as the previous game, with the added bonus that you can pyshcically look around areas like your room and the colony.

Sound- The sound is great like the last one with a great soundtrack and action sounds like moves, techniques and voice acting.

Replayability- The game has alot to offer and once completed there is alot to do going to find the strongest weapons and armour. There are alot of missions to do to keep you entertained.

Summary- Even though I gave the game a high review score I only really suggest it if your a huge phantasy star fan, unfortentely supposedly this game will not be released ut of japan which is a same, if you feel you want the game and the phantasy star experience then go for it. But I'd warn you that the whole game is in Japanese it is still playable but you do loose alot of the content.

Te graphics and sound is great, with some changes to the game play which I personally don't think was for the better. But it was a worth while purchase.