An Innovative Revamp Of Red/Blue/Yellow

User Rating: 9 | Pokemon FireRed Version GBA
This is a nice repolished verison of Red/Blue/Yellow that came out on the Game Boy in 1998-99 with some nice, solid extras added in. There's going to the Sevii Islands, (The first three accessable from Bill after obtaining the 7th gym badge from Blaine at Cinnibar Island and the rest accessable once you obtain 60 pokemon and the national pokedex) the national pokedex (catching both Kanto and Johto pokemon), berries, and even the ever-so-famous wireless adapter to battle and/or trade with friends. The graphics look nice for a GBA game, the music (an advanced version of the original) is still catchy, and the adventure is still a thrill to play, especially with quite a few things that were added on to the adventure such as Team Rocket stealing a ruby and a sapphire around 4-7 Island used to power Bill's trading network that allows trading as far away as the Hoenn Region, and dealing with a biker gang on Three Island. A Battle-Tower -like structure on Seven Island pits you against other trainers while trying to get to the top in record time. If you appreciate both the classic and modern Kanto adventures, especially with some solid extras, You won't go wrong with FireRed and LeafGreen!