Fire Red brings back so many good memories, and so much more Fun

User Rating: 8.4 | Pokemon FireRed Version GBA
I remember buying Pokemon Red Version as if it were yesterday. I was (i believe) nine at the time. I ran up to the counter at the Toys r us and waited patiently as my mom paid for it, then ran home and played for hours and hours. I remember jumping up and down as I finally caught a pikachu, and rejoicing after finally beating Misty's Starmie. All these memories are brought back in this rendition of the original world of Kanto. The place in which the first game took place. The game starts out like the first one. You start out in your room before you venture out and start your adventure. You then start to walk out to the wilderness when Professor Oak stops you. And here your adventure begins. Everything is basically the same. With some nice touches like a review when you jump in shwoing what you did last. The graphics obviously look better than the first one, but not different enough from the recent additions to the franchise. This game is absically for the nostalgia factor, unless you never played Red or Blue. It should also be mentioned that this game will not change anyones mind on the series as a whole. If you disliked the franchise before Fire Red, this latest installment will not change your mind. One thing Nintendo wisely did was include the wireless adapter with every copy of the game. This means every person who buys the game will be able to battle and trade. This is what made Pokemon great. With the addition of a union room, anyonme within 30 feet may talk and trade/fight with you. You could be sitting in a restraunt and find someone wishes to battle, 20 feet away. This will also enable Nintendo to make "Wireless Hotspots" for battling and trading. This bumps the replay up considerably. At the end of the day, Pokemon Fire Red was everything I hoped it would be. It gave me some great memories, and a whole lot of fun. One thing Nintendo will have to do, is revolutionize this franchise. Fire Red gets by on its Nostalgia, the next ones won't.