Expands on the original Portal in every aspect.

User Rating: 9 | Portal 2 X360

If the first Portal was a preview of what could be done with a 3D puzzle game then Portal 2 is the is main course. Portal 2 expands upon both the gameplay and writing of the first game to offer a even more diverse and fleshed out experience this time around. Everything that made the first game great is still here yet now everything is fully fleshed-out. This translates to a deep, more satisfying, pace of progression. Clearly those who played the first game have an idea of what they are jumping into but hopefully the sequel may have enough content to lure more people into trying this charming series.

You wake in a room after a long rest in cryo-sleep. Something has gone terribly wrong and the Aperture Laboratories aren't looking so good. A little robot named Wheatly wants to help but you get stuck having to complete a couple test-cambers while he figures things out. Not too long into game you end up running into GLaDOS. GLaDOS was responsible for making you perform test in the first game. Well, at least before you tried to kill her. She figures the best way to punish you is make you perform more tests. Wheatly may have an idea on how to break you free but things don't exactly go as planned.

In Portal 2 your main tool to get around and solve puzzles is your portal gun. You can use any white surface to make an orange or blue portal in which you can instantaneously travel between. In addition to features from the first game, such as turrets and weighted cubes, there are many new tools to solve puzzles. There is orange and blue gel to help you speed up and jump across big heights. You also have laser which can be reflected to open doors and power-up lifts. When you start to combine these features with some of the others ones you find it is amazing how many clever puzzles there are to solve.

The highlight of Portal 2 lies in both the bigger cast of characters and the seemingly more open sense of adventure. Although Portal 2 is still very linear the progression feels much more natural then the first game in which you spend most of your just going from one puzzle room to the next. Now you will break in and out of puzzles while exploring more of the ruins and other locations of Aperture. Wheatly's clear disdain for humans as well as his lack of creatively makes for an amusing, if not idiotic, character. It isn't clear if GLaDOS is as strictly evil as she originally appeared which allows her to be one of the most interesting companions this time around. Finally you have Cave Johnson, I won't spoil much about him but he has a big role and brings a totally fresh and absolutely hilarious take on everything.

You really can't go wrong with Portal 2 or it's predecessor. The puzzles are extremely clever and evolve naturally enough to allow each player to master on concept at a time. The story is a lot deeper than the first game and it should keep you excited to see what will happen next. Of course no story would be complete with out the different characters in which it is told through. Although you play as a silent protagonist each of the voices that guide you through this world offer equally distinct and amusing takes on your predicament. Unless you absolutely hate having to think your way out of tight situations you are bound to enjoy Portal 2.