The concept of this game looks good but it's short the story.

User Rating: 7 | Portal PC
The game is a sci-fi and puzzle game. You have to resolve some puzzles that you're on some test chamber and you have to pass some next test chambers so you may have to reach the final part. But there's a portal gun that you place one portal and another portal gun that you can create 2 portals on the wall, over the wall, below the floor, almost everywhere except those portals don't show up when you have to 'place' only the white walls, as far as I know.

The music can be so atmospheric (that I really like it) and electro tunes. It changes the genre, though. About the part of the credits, it's a pretty good song.
The sounds of the turrets, platforms, footsteps of the player, ect. are pretty fine to me.

Once you've finished the game, there will be showing up some new challenges, if you wish to play those challenges. Or you may look up some custom maps that the users made them up so the players can spend around.

The characters....errr...mostly are robots and a human called Chell, the player. GLaDOS has a pretty great voice by Ellen Mclain.

As my final opinion, the gameplay is short and it doesn't look competitive.