Prince of Persia is an awesome adventure with great visuals, tight control and well designed puzzles.

User Rating: 8.5 | Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time PC
The Sands of Time is simply a great game and deserves all the praise that it has received. It should definitely be played by anyone who cares about game storyline and has an interest in platforming and puzzle solving.

The Sands of Time has a beautiful fairy-tale look with its soft lighting style, a variety of well designed environments, fluidly animated characters, an enjoyable soundtrack, terrific voice acting, an assortment of brain teasing puzzles, tight controls and an engaging story.

- the combat isn't very deep and gets repetitive.
- little variety in enemies. Players will be facing the same sand creatures throughout the adventure.
- the PC version didn't include extras in the consoles releases