these are the champions

User Rating: 8.5 | Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 WII
Pro Evolution is my first football/soccer game for the wii.
You can choose to play as an international team or a clubteam. There's also a create-your-own-team mode but i haven't really tried that yet.
The graphics look great and all player models are nicely done. Not all international teams are in their official clothing in this game, but many of them are, which i find important. The game also has licences for the Champions League, the South American equivalent and a number of national competitions. Not included are the English and German competition, though Manchester Utd, Bayern Munchen and some others are in this game. I'm from Holland and our competition is fully featured in this game so i'm not complaining. Using the internet connection you can upload the latest team data.
Now about the gameplay. You can play using the wii-mote and nunchuk or the classic controller. I prefer the wii-mote 'n nunchuk. You use the b-button to pass the ball around, You control the player with ball using the nunchuk. You can also move around using the pointer on screen and a-button. This is a bit more difficult, because you have to watch the pointer on screen and the player with ball. You shoot the ball by either pressing B, or swinging the nunchuk. This works really well.
When defending you can flick the wii-mote upwards to make your defenders run forwards. The controls are engaging and combined with nice visuals and sounds you get a great soccer vibe.
There's also lots of tricks and other stuff you can do on the pitch, but i haven't figured all of that out yet. The game has a great soundtrack. Most artists were previously unknown to me, but it's nice varied music, while you navigate menus.
finally, the game supports online play and if you can find an opponent, it works ok.