Games I'm Playing

As of Late May 2024. On hiatus: Age of Empires IV (for well over a year now...), Dragon Quest VIII (was overwhelmed by curiosity to try Persona instead), Sea of Stars (since the summer of ' *game*, but not feeling anything else about it), and Disco Elysium (done with P5R, not sure exactly when I'll be down to start this up again).

Game Release Date GameSpot Score Bhuj's Score

Vampire Survivors

Just recently got this, and man, it's already one of my favorite games ever. What a fantastic game, so simple in premise, but tough as hell in execution. Already unlocked quite a few things, but there's so much more to do. Can't wait! ...well, kind of grew a bit bored of this, but I still have an urge to find everything, a goal that's getting a bit trickier as the developer has added quite a bit of DLC in the past couple of months. I play it now and then...

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Ultra Street Fighter IV

Put this on hold for a bit, but picked it back up again recently. Just going through Arcade mode at the moment. Assuming anyone's online, doing that's not really my thing.



Stopped playing in late 2020 and just picked it back up. Finally got past the third area boss, but now I have to figure out how to finally beat the game...for the first time, from what I've heard. I just need to be in the right energy level and mood to play this, or I play *horribly*. Been playing Vampire Survivors a bit more instead, but I might be leaning back the other way now...and I did! Stopped playing VS for a bit and went back to this, getting to the boss multiple times...but I'm still not able to beat it! I kind of want to take a short break from it, so I might sit on this again for a bit.


Disco Elysium know what? Screw Thief 4. Gonna play this wild-ass game instead. ...though I have set this aside in favor of P5R lately...


Baba Is You

Kind of...I'm stuck on FOUR different puzzles and I'm far too proud to look up the solution (also, I mean...kind of defeats the purpose of a *puzzle game*...). I have no idea if I'll ever properly finish this, but it'll always be there...if I ever feel smart.
