A great game riddled with difficulty

User Rating: 9 | Pure X360
This past month, I've taken 3 trips to my local Hollywood video store in search of an easy game that I could laze away at while having fun without a huge challenge. First, I picked up Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. That game, while innovative, wasn't very fun to complete. Then I picked up Pure hoping for something better. Instead I played one of the hardest racing games in a long time(I ended up with LEGO Batman which has fulfilled my desire for an easy game).

Pure is just plain fun. It looks good, plays good, and executes good, but this isn't the kiddies game its marketed to be(Disney publishing it doesn't mean insta easy I've learned).

Lets begin with the racing itself. Crisp lush enviroments that you could get sucked into and explore for hours(if there was such a way to) are fantasticlly rendered. Speeding up and down these tracks along with the insane jumps and winding turns make this game have some of the best racing tracks I have ever witnessed. The racing itself is something else(thats not a bad thing). While somewhat sloppy controls hinder it a bit, and sometimes unresponsive when it comes to pulling off tricks, when this game runs smoothly, it's one of the most fantastic sites to see and feel. One of my few irks with the game is the fact that it tries to be a realistic racer and an arcadey racer on one disk, something it sucseeds at more often than not mind you, but when it fails, it fails bad. First off, the AI of the other racers(15 others in total which kicks ass) are ridiculously overpowered. Leading on the final stretch, they sometimes will pass by you right as you cross the finish line, wasting the last 20 minutes of your life in a matter of miliseconds. Also, the unfriendly parts of the envirments are unforgiving, and any single mishap at all during any race is more often than not a garuntee for a loss. You are forced to race smart in this game, which honestly this shouldn't have been a game requiring you to, or at least givng you an option. Online racing is fun if you have the right people. Otherwise, its just another cheatfest.

Pure could go down as one of the best racing games of all time, definetly the best ATV game(Offroad fury included). But a few things here and there prevent it from reaching gaming nirvana.