In case you're patient enough to wait it to load, it is Pure fun!

User Rating: 9.5 | Pure PC
Gameplay 9/10

The Good

Addictive & fun
Three unique game modes
- Race : Three full laps
- Sprint : Five very short tracks, often only one jump per lap
- Freestyle : Just great way to see all the tricks
You can build your own ATV
Enough tracks
Tracks have multiple ways to get across the finish line
Great tricks, among them really cool special tricks
Boost is both fun to gather and fun to use
World Tour is not too long = Game is not too repetitive
You can win more parts for your ATV
Different characters with different voices and styles
Just so smooth, if there is any flaws, you will miss them

The Bad

Big minus, way too long loading times
Graphics 10/10

The Good

Beautiful scenery
Beautifully designed tracks
Just so smooth
Controls 9,5/10

The Good

Once you get a hang of it, it is plain fun
You can modify them

The Bad

Learning what each button is for, may take time for inexperienced player
Sound 10/10

Brilliant sounds
Great sound tracks
Good voice acting
Overall 9,5/10

It would be worth 10, but loading ruins it