This game is the best game I have played in the series.

User Rating: 9 | Rabbids Go Home WII
At first, you don't get to do much. (Not as much as when you get to the ending), I mean. I absolutely loved the game from beginning to end. It can be pretty hard at times, and you will die a lot in the later stages. If you are new to this series, this is your lucky day. This game is the best in the series, and doesn't have a relationship to the other games, but, since there are the same characters starring in the games, it's a series.
When you get far enough, you'll notice that the stages are way to repetitive.
*Spoiler Alert*
One time you'll have to take an engine from a plane and go through this part that you'll die a lot from,
Another time you'll have to take that same engine from a plane and go through the same part that you'll die a lot from. You're probably sick of this stage!

One time you'll have to take a hospital bed and go through a part that you'll really die a lot from
Another time you'll have to do the same thing!
This happens with most of all the stages!
You are probably sick of this repetitiveness, but you have to do the same stages later on in the game!